Sunday, January 4, 2009


Three days after Hannah's birthday party and it's Christmas! Here are the girls setting out cookies for Santa. We talked to Evelyn about Santa quite a bit and were never sure how much she processed in her little head. On Christmas Eve at bed time she was sitting at the fireplace and told me "No go bed, wait for Santa". I think she knows exactly what's going on. We reminded her that Santa waits until everyone is asleep before he arrives. She toddled off to bed with no problem. We took the girls swimming on Christmas Eve to ensure they would be tired and go to bed easily.
Opening presents. Hannah's favorite was an American Girl Doll and her scooter.
Eve adores her school bus and wooden birthday cake.

The glorious mess.

Hannah received Spirograph because her Mom and Dad wanted to relive their childhood.


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Ooo! I want one of those spirographs too!

Unknown said...

Mary Ann & Robin,
Love the Christmas photos. I check the blog every once in a while to get updates. Hannah is getting so grown up and Evie is just adorable. The second child is always more difficult than the first. I don't know why this is but it is common. Loved the recycled house and gingerbread houses.
Auntie Mo