Monday, January 5, 2009

Into the Light

I have a rule. I only say that it is cold out if the temperature is -40F or colder. Otherwise I just tell myself that I live in the subarctic, it is January, and what did I expect? Our house, socked in with ice fog. The sun is shining somewhere, but not in the flat lands. This is day six or seven of a cold snap. At my house the temps have varied between -35 and -45. Whatever the temp is at the Fairbanks Airport is the temperature at our house.

The bank on the corner has a fairly accurate temperature. Note how thick the ice fog is! Driving is terrible. Worse in the dark. Please note that since the temp is only -39 it is not cold, just a winter day in Fairbanks.

The girls and I drove into the light today; visiting friends who live near the end of Gilmore Trail near the top of Mt Lulu. The sky is clear and that golden orb is the sun!!! Twenty-five degrees warmer then my house. Balmy at a clear -10F.

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

wow! We should have moved to Gilmore Trail. Today we got no inversion. -37.. some days we do, some days we don't. Hmpf...