Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ev Turns Two

Ev turned two on July 30th (Yep I am not an up to date blogger). She enjoyed the big 'Happy Birthday' sign, balloons and streamers that decorated our eating area.
She liked the cake.

She wondered why she got presents but knew it was a good thing.
Ev likes to play with dolls. Her babies include baby dolls and stuffed animals. They get pushed around in the stroller quite a bit. When she doesn't know where a certain baby is she says 'they're sleeping'. Gets mad when she can't play in water in the kitchen sink. Favorite books is 'Big Red Barn" and "Faces of Black". Favorite food includes ketchup on anything and salad (probably the salad dressing). She sleeps 13 hours a day; 11 hours at night and a two hour nap. Baba is her number one lovey. Not interested in TV although she just clued into Elmo and will watch Elmo's world on Sesame Street. Otherwise she turns the TV off which is very annoying when you are trying to catch a bit of the Olympics.


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

Those are very important things to know about Evelyn! Thanks for the update!

Lynette said...

It seems all 2 year olds love "dipping" their foods. They will eat just about anything if they can dip it in something. And Elmo's World is the holy grail.