Tonight's race is part of the last festivities for the Junior Nordics ski club. Since November, on Sunday afternoons Hannah had a ski lesson. I got to attend them also and we both learned a great deal. Just getting out and skiing every week was great.
Here is the starting line. Evelyn was all snug in her box on a sled wondering what was going on. During the last leg of the race, I could run along side the race course encouraging Hannah and dragging the baby sled behind me. Evelyn liked that part.
Hannah and Tjarn strategizing at the start?
What Hannah,Tjarn, and Megan like best about skiing is playing with each other and then going inside and having a snack. Skiing is secondary.
Since the race started at 6:45 pm little Miss Evelyn was up way past her bedtime. I feared a complete meltdown but we skedaddled home right after the 'award ceremony' and she was in bed by 8:15. Hannah practically fell asleep in the car. Robin missed all of the fun. He was out checking out a bottle collection that a local family was considering donating to the UA museum. Robin was helping the museum curator negotiate the donation. Poor Robin.